Install Moodle on Ubuntu

*apt-get update
*apt-get upgrade
*apt-get install php5 php5-mysql php5-curl php5-xmlrpc php5-intl php5-gd

after installing these packages it is better to restart the PC
because i had some problem continue the configuration and after i waste few hours of trying to open php file in firefox browser but with no resolution, i just restart the PC and everything WORK :)

*apt-get install mysql-server

*mysql -u root -p (this cmd to open sql cmd, type the password for root user)

*GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON moodle.* to 'moodleuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'moodle_password';
*flush privileges;
*show databases;   (here we should see the database we created (moodle))
*quit;  (to exit mysql)

*cd /var/www
*sudo tar -xvf ~/Downloads/moodle-latest-23.tgz (this cmd to extract the downloaded moodle file from /yaser/downloads/moodle-latest-23.tgz to /var/www)

*cd /var

*sudo mkdir moodledata
*sudo chown -R www-data:www-data moodledata
these 2 cmd will:
1. Create the directory
2. Make it owned by the user (www-data) that apache runs as (think of Apache as being run by a user called www-data)

*sudo service apache2 restart (restart apache2 service)

*cd /var/www/moodle
*sudo nano config.php (create new php file and paste inside code generated from the graphical installation of moodle).

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