Moving WordPress to New Domain

We've been asked to duplicate our websites, so we've done it as per the following steps:

1- Copy the applications to the new server
2- We dump all the DB needed.
3- We restore the DB on the new DB server, and give the appropriate privileges for DB users.
4- Then we configure httpd-vhosts files with the new domain names.

It was easy to do, but we wanted to change the old URL's for all the links inside the new domains to reflect the new domain name, so we used (Search Replace DB V.2) , this tools is fast and easy to use.

The main purpose of this tool is to change on the DB without effecting the serialization which can happen in transient values in WP at times, and it can also handle multi-byte Unicode changes safely. This is important now that internationalised domain names are allowed.


It’s worth mentioning that the code will work for any platform that stores PHP serialized arrays in a MySQL database. You can easily use this script on Drupal, Joomla and many other systems where you need to change items across a database without messing up your stored arrays.

you can download it from:

very useful info for moving wordpress sites from:   


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